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Cleaning plant for steel wire

Tyres recycling, for many, means to separate the parts of which they are composed. If from a point of view it can be read like that, of sure the quality control measure cannot be ignored, to make re-usable the several materials. Among the several separated material, we examine the harmonic steel extract from the tyre working. This is a process done with the aim to limit the blades wear of the principal machines, but it involves a ecological problem due to the disposal of the iron filament. An extraction of the iron filament to granulometry of 20 mm involves for example, a presence of rubber in weight of 15%, but with a granulometry of 18 mm of 10% and of 16 mm of 7%. These are indicative data which move slightly away from any design reality because it comes from the weaving of the carcass. TIRES S.p.A. puts right a cleaning and packing revolutionary system of the product, directly connectable to the line for an automatic working cycle. The system guarantees a very good resistance to the wear and a low energy consumption, considering the low quotations that you can obtain on a poor recycled products. With the plant from us proposed, you can have the reduction of the percentage of 15% of weight, in the extreme case of 3% without physical alteration of the filament, further made in billets for a fast access to the foundry. Like this, you will immediately obtain a fast receptivity in the national territory, without using different expedients like to export the product abroad in an expensive way. The plant can guarantee an hourly cleaning of 500/700 kg/h. The installed power on a such plant is of 23 kw + 26 kw, with a very low degree of wear of 0.020 Euro/kg.

optional pfu steel harmonic to treat optional pfu steel harmonic trial optional pfu steel harmonic

Textile fibre cleaning and compaction

The textile fibre extracted from the tyres grinding is a product that date it has always been neglected under the terms of business plan. This consideration is made both in the eyes of low percentage contained in the tyre and in the eyes of low receptivity of a product on which one has not try to obtain the best finish. TIRES S.p.A. has pointed to find a valid solution that can give the right contribution to a material, which is considered waste for dump and it has tried to fill up the need to create a receptive outlet to the best cost. First of all, the textile fibre commonly extracted, has variable percentages of 40-60% in weight of rubber residuals. Given that the product has like present outlet the dump, it needs to consider that a processing of tyres of 18.000 t/year involves an extraction of textile fibre of 5% of the volume, increased further of 5% of rubber from the residual. It needs to pay the double to can dispose the waste with onerous problems even from the point of view of the volume. TIRES optional is able to totally clean in any production system every rubber residual on the fibre component, decreasing the contamination of rubber under 1%. As previously underlined, on the working of 18.000 t/year one will obtain a separation of textile fibre not treated of 1.800 t/year, where it will be recovered about 900 t/year of rubber, which will be destined to the raw material production inside the production cycle. According to these numbers, it appears the big save that will involve the use of technologically advanced solution of TIRES S.p.A.! Moreover, the textile fibre after to be treated, it is automatically compacted in the cleaning circuit and it is made very suitable to the use like alternative fuel, so excluding the dump from the recovery circuit of the tyre.
That means to recycling!

optional pfu fiber textile cubed optional pfu fluff fiber textile clean